Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2017; 54(3): 747-761
Online first article May 13, 2017 Printed May 31, 2017
Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.
Robert F. Allen and Isaac M. Craig
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
We study multiplication operators on the weighted Banach spaces of an infinite tree. We characterize the bounded and the compact operators, as well as determine the operator norm. In addition, we determine the spectrum of the bounded multiplication operators and characterize the isometries. Finally, we study the multiplication operators between the weighted Banach spaces and the Lipschitz space by characterizing the bounded and the compact operators, determining estimates on the operator norm, and showing there are no isometries.
Keywords: multiplication operators, trees, weighted Banach space
MSC numbers: Primary 47B38, 05C05
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