Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2015; 52(1): 57-68
Printed January 31, 2015
Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.
Kyusuk Cho, Hyunjin Lee, and Eunmi Pak
Kyungpook National University, Pohang University of Science \& Technology, Kyungpook National University
In this paper, we give a non-existence theorem of Hopf hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians $\GBt$, $m \geq 3$, whose shape operator is of Codazzi type in generalized Tanaka-Webster connection $\gtw$.
Keywords: complex two-plane Grassmannians, Hopf hypersurface, generalized Tanaka-Webster connection, shape operator, Codazzi type tensor
MSC numbers: Primary 53C40; Secondary 53C15
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