Bulletin of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1015-8634 ISSN(Online) 2234-3016



Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 60(4): 1071-1083

Online first article July 4, 2023      Printed July 31, 2023


Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

On semi-regular injective modules and strong dedekind rings

Renchun Qu

Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic


The main motivation of this paper is to introduce and study the notions of strong Dedekind rings and semi-regular injective modules. Specifically, a ring $R$ is called strong Dedekind if every semi-regular ideal is $Q_0$-invertible, and an $R$-module $E$ is called a semi-regular injective module provided ${\rm Ext}^1_R(T,E)=0$ for every $\mathcal{Q}$-torsion module $T$. In this paper, we first characterize rings over which all semi-regular injective modules are injective, and then study the semi-regular injective envelopes of $R$-modules. Moreover, we introduce and study the semi-regular global dimensions $sr$-gl.dim$(R)$ of commutative rings $R$. Finally, we obtain that a ring $R$ is a ${\rm DQ}$-ring if and only if $sr$-gl.dim$(R)=0$, and a ring $R$ is a strong Dedekind ring if and only if $sr$-gl.dim$(R)\leq 1$, if and only if any semi-regular ideal is projective. Besides, we show that the semi-regular dimensions of strong Dedekind rings are at most one.

Keywords: Strong Dedekind ring, $\DQ$-ring, semi-regular injective module, semi-regular global dimension

MSC numbers: 13F05, 13C11

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