Bulletin of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1015-8634 ISSN(Online) 2234-3016



Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2021; 58(6): 1315-1325

Online first article November 1, 2021      Printed November 30, 2021


Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Estimates for eigenvalues of Neumann and Navier problem

Yanlin Deng, Feng Du, Lanbao Hou

Hubei University; Hubei University; Hubei University


In this paper, we firstly prove some general inequalities for the Neumann eigenvalues for domains contained in a Euclidean $n$-space $\R^n$. Using the general inequalities, we can derive some new Neumann eigenvalues estimates which include an upper bound for the $(k+1)^{th}$ eigenvalue and a new estimate for the gap of the consecutive eigenvalues. Moreover, we give sharp lower bound for the first eigenvalue of two kinds of eigenvalue problems of the biharmonic operator with Navier boundary condition on compact Riemannian manifolds with boundary and positive Ricci curvature.

Keywords: Eigenvalues, Neumann problem, Navier problem, upper bound, lower bound

MSC numbers: Primary 35P15, 53C40

Supported by: http://bkms.kms.or.kr/journal/view.html?doi=10.4134/BKMS.b200170