Bulletin of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1015-8634 ISSN(Online) 2234-3016



Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2016; 53(4): 1197-1211

Printed July 31, 2016


Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

A refinement of the unit and unitary Cayley graphs of a finite ring

Ali Reza Naghipour and Meysam Rezagholibeigi

Shahrekord University, Shahrekord University


Let $R$ be a finite commutative ring with nonzero identity. We define $\Gamma(R)$ to be the graph with vertex set $R$ in which two distinct vertices $x$ and $y$ are adjacent if and only if there exists a unit element $u$ of $R$ such that $x+uy$ is a unit of $R$. This graph provides a refinement of the unit and unitary Cayley graphs. In this paper, basic properties of $\Gamma(R)$ are obtained and the vertex connectivity and the edge connectivity of $\Gamma(R)$ are given. Finally, by a constructive way, we determine when the graph $\Gamma(R)$ is Hamiltonian. As a consequence, we show that $\Gamma(R)$ has a perfect matching if and only if $|R|$ is an even number.

Keywords: Cayley graphs, Clique number, Hamiltonian graphs, finite rings, matchings, unit graphs

MSC numbers: 05C25, 05C40, 05C75, 13M05, 16U60

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