Bulletin of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1015-8634 ISSN(Online) 2234-3016

Ahead of Print Articles

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The following are papers that have received final approval and are awaiting to be published. They are listed in the order of their initial submission date.
Papers are published in the order of their initial submission date and will be made available under “Current Issue” once scheduled to be included in a print issue.

Note: Please understand the below list is not in the exact publishing order of the papers as the list does not include papers under internal reviewing process nor those that have not been galley proofed by the authors.

Final published versions of all papers are available under “All Issues” and also under “Current Issue” for papers included in the current issue.

* Paper information have been automatically generated from the information submitted by authors in the online submission system.
  • Online first article September 20, 2024

    Growth of Solutions of Some Second Order Differential Equations with Entire Coefficients

    Zhi-Bo Huang, Ilpo Laine, and Jia-Ling Lin

    Abstract : In this paper, we consider the differential equation \begin{equation*} f''+Af'+Bf=0, (*) \end{equation*} where $A(z)$ and $B(z)\not\equiv 0$ are entire functions. Assume that $A(z)$ is a non-trivial solution of $\omega''+P(z)\omega=0$, where $P(z)$ is a polynomial. If $B(z)$ satisfies extremal for Yang's inequality and other conditions, then every non-trivial solution $f$ of equation (*) has $\mu(f)=\infty$. We also investigate the relation between a small function and a differential polynomial of $f$.

  • Online first article January 14, 2025

    Long time behavior and numerical treatment of shear beam model subject to a delay

    Meriem Chabekh and Nadhir Chougui

    Abstract : In this paper, we consider a one-dimensional system known as Shear beam model (no rotary inertia) where the transverse displacement equation is subject to a delay. Under suitable assumptions on the weight of the delay, we first achieved the global well-posedness of the system by using the classical Faedo-Galerkin approximations along with three a priori estimates. Next, we study the asymptotic behavior of solutions using the energy method. Later we propose a discretization based on P1-finite element for space and implicit Euler scheme for time, where a discrete stability property and a priori error estimates of the discrete problem are proved. Finally, some numerical simulations are presented.

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  • Online first article January 13, 2025

    Perturbation of Hilbert-Samuel function relative to an Artinian module

    Ton That Quoc Tan

    Abstract : Let $(R, \mathfrak{m})$ be a noetherian local ring and $M$ a co-Cohen-Macaulay $R$-module. Suppose $f_1, \ldots, f_r$ form an $M$-coregular sequence and let $I = (f_1, \ldots, f_r)$. Consider an ideal $J$ of $R$ such that $\lambda(0:_M(I,J)) < \infty$. In this paper, we will prove that the Hilbert-Samuel function of $J$ relative to $\overline{M} = 0:_MI$ is preserved under $J$-adic perturbations of $I$.

  • Online first article January 14, 2025

    The Euler characteristic of the fiber product of Morse functions

    Yasuhiko Kamiyama

    Abstract : For a Morse function $f: M ¥to ¥R$ on a connected closed manifold $M$, we denote by $C(f)$ the fiber product of two copies of $f$. We prove a formula which describes $¥chi (C(f))$. As an application, we consider two Morse functions on $U(n)$. We obtain the result that $¥chi (C(f))$ is $(-2)^n$ or a certain number which originated in dynamics.

  • Online first article January 14, 2025

    On Ricci-Bourguignon solitons for statistical submersions

    Bang Yen Chen, Mohd Danish Siddiqi, and Aliya Naaz Siddiqui

    Abstract : In this research article, first we derive some sharp inequalities for statistical submersions. Then we study Ricci-Bourguignon solitons on statistical submersions with parallel vertical or horizontal distribution. Finally, we study Ricci-Bourguignon solitons on statistical submersions with conformal or gradient potential vector field.

  • Online first article January 14, 2025

    On the Killing and related conditions for the Reeb vector field of an almost contact Riemannian manifold

    Yaning Wang and Yuan Zhou

    Abstract : We give some new characterization of the Reeb vector field of a contact Riemannian or almost cosymplectic manifold to be Killing. We investigate weakly conformally flat almost Kenmotsu and almost cosymplectic manifolds.

  • Online first article January 14, 2025

    Existence and Properties of Topological solutions in Abelian gauge field models

    Juhee Sohn

    Abstract : This paper concerns with the generalized form of the self-dual equation in Abelian gauge field theories combined with the Einstein equations. In particular, we prove the existence of topological multi-string solutions and the radial symmetry of one-string topological solutions.

  • Online first article July 23, 2024

    The generalized Zhang’s operator and Kastler-Kalau-Walze type theorems for six-dimensional manifolds with boundary

    Hongfeng Li and Yong Wang

    Abstract : In [16], we obtain two Lichnerowicz type formulas for the generalized Zhang’s operator. And we give the proof of the Kastler-Kalau-Walze type theorem for the generalized Zhang’s operator on 4-dimensional oriented compact manifolds with (resp. without) boundary. In this paper, we give the proof of the Kastler-Kalau-Walze type theorem for the generalized Zhang’s operator on 6-dimensional oriented compact manifolds with boundary.

  • Online first article January 13, 2025

    Matrix Harnack estimates for a parabolic equation on compact K\"ahler manifolds

    Guangwen Zhao

    Abstract : We prove matrix and classical Harnack estimates for a positive solution to the parabolic equation \[ \partial_tu(x,t)=\Delta u(x,t)+A(u(x,t)) \] on a compact K\"ahler manifold. By tracing and integrating the matrix Harnack inequality, we obtain the classical Harnack estimate. We also give matrix and classical Harnack inequalities of two classes of specific parabolic equations, which extend existing results to more general cases.

Current Issue

November, 2024
Vol.61 No.6

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