Abstract : Using the Nevanlinna value distribution theory of algebroid functions, this paper investigates the growth of two types of complex algebraic differential equation with algebroid solutions and obtains two results, which extend the growth of complex algebraic differential equation with meromorphic solutions obtained by Gao [4].
Abstract : $\omega$-left-symmetric algebras contain left-symmetric algebras as a subclass and the commutator defines an $\omega$-Lie algebra. In this paper, we classify $\omega$-left-symmetric algebras in dimension 3 up to an isomorphism based on the classification of $\omega$-Lie algebras and the technique of Lie algebras.
Abstract : In this paper, we study the rectifying curves in multiplicative Euclidean space of dimension $3$, i.e., those curves for which the position vector always lies in its rectifying plane. Since the definition of rectifying curve is affine and not metric, we are directly able to perform multiplicative differential-geometric concepts to investigate such curves. By several characterizations, we completely classify the multiplicative rectifying curves by means of the multiplicative spherical curves.
Abstract : In this note, we shall show that the generalized free products of subgroup separable groups amalgamating a subgroup which itself is a finite extension of a finitely generated normal subgroup of both the factor groups are weakly potent and cyclic subgroup separable. Then we apply our result to generalized free products of finite extensions of finitely generated torsion-free nilpotent groups. Finally, we shall show that their tree products are cyclic subgroup separable.
Abstract : An idempotent $e$ of a ring $R$ is called {\it right} (resp., {\it left}) {\it semicentral} if $er=ere$ (resp., $re =ere$) for any $r\in R$, and an idempotent $e$ of $R\backslash \{0,1\}$ will be called {\it right} (resp., {\it left}) {\it quasicentral} provided that for any $r\in R$, there exists an idempotent $f=f(e,r)\in R\backslash \{0,1\}$ such that $er=erf$ (resp., $re=fre$). We show the whole shapes of idempotents and right (left) semicentral idempotents of upper triangular matrix rings and polynomial rings. We next prove that every nontrivial idempotent of the $n$ by $n$ full matrix ring over a principal ideal domain is right and left quasicentral and, applying this result, we can find many right (left) quasicentral idempotents but not right (left) semicentral.
Abstract : In this paper, let $q\in(0,1]$. We establish the boundedness of intrinsic $g$-functions from the Hardy-Lorentz spaces with variable exponent ${H}^{p(\cdot),q}(\mathbb R^{n})$ into Lorentz spaces with variable exponent ${L}^{p(\cdot),q}(\mathbb R^{n})$. Then, for any $q\in(0,1]$, via some estimates on a discrete Littlewood-Paley $g$-function and a Peetre-type maximal function, we obtain several equivalent characterizations of ${H}^{p(\cdot),q}(\mathbb R^{n})$ in terms of wavelets.
Abstract : In this paper, we present a new construction for self-dual codes that uses the concept of double bordered construction, group rings, and reverse circulant matrices. Using groups of orders $2,3,4,$ and $5$, and by applying the construction over the binary field and the ring $F_{2}+uF_{2}$, we obtain extremal binary self-dual codes of various lengths: $12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40,$ and $48$. In particular, we show the significance of this new construction by constructing the unique Extended Binary Golay Code $[24,12,8]$ and the unique Extended Quadratic Residue $[48,24,12]$ Type II linear block code. Moreover, we strengthen the existing relationship between units and non-units with the self-dual codes presented in [10] by limiting the conditions given in the corollary. Additionally, we establish a relationship between idempotent and self-dual codes, which is done for the first time in the literature.
Abstract : Some results are generalized from principally injective rings to principally injective modules. Moreover, it is proved that the results are valid to some other extended injectivity conditions which may be defined over modules. The influence of such injectivity conditions are studied for both the trace and the reject submodules of some modules over commutative rings. Finally, a correction is given to a paper related to the subject.
Abstract : In this paper, under some suitable conditions, we study the Spitzer-type law of large numbers for the maximum of partial sums of independent and identically distributed random variables in upper expectation space. Some general results on necessary and sufficient conditions of the Spitzer-type law of large numbers for the maximum of partial sums of independent and identically distributed random variables under sub-linear expectations are established, which extend the corresponding ones in classic probability space to the case of sub-linear expectation space.
Abstract : We consider the total scalar curvature functional, and show that if the second variation in the transverse traceless tensor direction is negative, then the metric is Einstein. We also find the relation between the second variation and the Lichnerowicz Laplacian.
Misong Chang, Sunyang Ko, Chong Gyu Lee, Sang-Min Lee
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 60(3): 659-675
Kyeong Song, Yeonghun Youn
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 60(2): 495-505
Lingyun Gao, Zhenguang Gao, Manli Liu
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 60(3): 593-610
Donghoon Jang, Jiyun Park
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2024; 61(2): 557-584
Tahire Ozen
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 60(6): 1463-1475
Kwangwoo Lee
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 60(6): 1427-1437
Gurpreet Kaur, Sumit Nagpal
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 60(6): 1477-1496
Shiqi Xing
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2023; 60(4): 971-983
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