Bulletin of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1015-8634 ISSN(Online) 2234-3016



Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2015; 52(2): 603-618

Printed March 31, 2015


Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Some symmetry identities for generalized twisted Bernoulli polynomials twisted by unramified roots of unity

Dae San Kim

Sogang University


We derive three identities of symmetry in two variables and eight in three variables related to generalized twisted Bernoulli polynomials and generalized twisted power sums, both of which are twisted by unramified roots of unity. The case of ramified roots of unity was treated previously. The derivations of identities are based on the $p$-adic integral expression, with respect to a measure introduced by Koblitz, of the generating function for the generalized twisted Bernoulli polynomials and the quotient of $p$-adic integrals that can be expressed as the exponential generating function for the generalized twisted power sums.

Keywords: generalized twisted Bernoulli polynomial, generalized twisted power sum, Dirichlet character, unramified roots of unity, $p$-adic integral, identities of symmetry

MSC numbers: 11B68, 11S80, 05A19

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