Bulletin of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 1015-8634 ISSN(Online) 2234-3016



Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2012; 49(1): 135-143

Printed January 1, 2012


Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Construction of self-dual codes over $\mathbb F_{2} + u\mathbb F_{2}$

Sunghyu Han, Heisook Lee, and Yoonjin Lee

Korea University of Technology and Education, Ewha Womans University, Ewha Womans University


We present two kinds of construction methods for self-dual codes over $\mathbb F_2+u\mathbb F_2$. Specially, the second construction (respectively, the first one) preserves the types of codes, that is, the constructed codes from Type II (respectively, Type IV) is also Type II (respectively, Type IV). Every Type II (respectively, Type IV) code over $\mathbb F_2+u\mathbb F_2$ of free rank larger than three (respectively, one) can be obtained via the second construction (respectively, the first one). Using these constructions, we update the information on self-dual codes over $\mathbb F_2+u\mathbb F_2$ of length $9$ and $10$, in terms of the highest minimum (Hamming, Lee, or Euclidean) weight and the number of inequivalent codes with the highest minimum weight.

Keywords: self-dual code, building-up construction, codes over ring, $\mathbb F_2 + u\mathbb F_2$

MSC numbers: Primary 94B60

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